This five day intensive is designed to help experienced teachers and students connect to the daily study of asana and pranayama. In the safe environment of Triad Yoga, and under the guidance of experienced Yoga instructor Terry Brown, this workshop offers the perfect opportunity for personal growth and development. Each class will help you to refine the essential actions in the postures, increase your stamina, and balance the forces of effort and ease in all your postures … and life!

This workshop is great for teachers and students that are interested in developing skills in creating sequences that move the body toward a particular goal.

Terry Brown presents this workshop with teachers and students that wish to challenge their practice and sequencing skills.  These workshop classes are designed to help refine your practices, offer a combination of safe, mindful sequences that lead you to a goal pose, and offer tools to address particular issues.  

The workshop schedule is:

July 17, Wednesday, 11:30am—2:00pm

Addressing the Imbalances of the Trapezius Muscle

The unequal development of the three portions of the trapezius causes muscle imbalances and posture disturbances. An example is when the long-term hyper activation and shortening of the upper trapezius makes the lower trapezius weak. The trapezius is constantly at work, and overuse or improper use can contribute to strain.  This class will look at how to use the practices of yoga to balance and improve the function of all 3 regions.

July 17, Wednesday, 2:30pm — 5:00pm

Yoga for Knee Health

Yoga practices have been shown to help maintain good strength and mobility in the knees which is crucial for walking and other daily activities. Yoga is able to benefit the joints without putting stress on them. This class will address how to improve flexibility, enhance stability, maintain optimal alignment and develop strength to help create healthy and happy knee joints. 

July 18, Thursday, 11:30am—2:00pm  

Evolving the Practice of Standing Forward Bends

Many students of yoga find the standing forward bends of yoga more accessible than the seated ones.  Standing with strong legs, the back body gets to release with the assistance of gravity.  There are many approaches to assist these practices and explore the benefits.  The hip flexors, the front of the thighs, and the abdominal muscles are strengthened when deliberately activated.  The hips, hamstrings, calves, and muscles of the back spine are released. The mind is calmed when the head is lower than the torso.

July 18, Thursday, 2:30pm — 5:00pm

Improving the Function of the Diaphragm and Intercostals

Stress in the muscles of respiration can create pressure on the heart and lungs.  Releasing the tension in the diaphragm and intercostals between the ribs can improve breath flow, decrease pressure on the heart, and reduce overall stress. This practice takes us on the yoga journey to prepare our tools boxes with what we need.

July 19, Friday, 10:30am – 1:00pm

Potential Breakthroughs for Shoulder Health

The biggest causes of shoulder pain are the imbalances caused by poor posture and overuse.  Yoga practices provide some of the best options for strengthening and stretching the shoulders. Mindful practice of the poses and variations that benefit your specific challenges will help you to feel less pain and improve your whole shoulder girdle stability.

July 19, Friday, 2:30am – 5:00pm

Restoratives and Clearing Methods

Research studies review that our DNA actually shrinks when we are under stress. Our body becomes tighter and we age rapidly. Stress also creates a scattered mind and prevents access to our own inner Divinity. Learn yoga techniques to help you relax and renew your body, develop mental focus, and connect with your luminous Spirit to keep you young and revitalized. Add more tools to your yoga toolbox to keep yourself calm and your nervous system healthy. . 

July 20, Saturday, 9:00am – 12:00pm

Exploring the Parivrttas in Standing and Sitting

Parivrtta is a Sanskrit word that means “to turn around” or “revolve.” Certain yoga poses in which the torso is turned to the side include parivrtta in their names. Such poses include Parivrtta Trikonasana, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, Parivrtta Janu Shirashasana, and Parivrtta Upavista Konasana.  These poses are effective for improving flexibility and energizing the body. This class will practice all four of these poses.

July 20, Saturday, 1:30pm – 4:30pm    

The Upright Backbends

Some people are challenged with the backbends that require you push up from the floor while your head is upside down.  They may find it challenging to orient themselves in space and determine what needs adjusting. They also may get light-headed and dizzy.  This class will take us on a journey to practice and progress the upright backbends like Ekapada Rajakapotasana (One-legged King Pigeon Pose) and Natarajasana (Lord of the Dancer’s Pose).

July 21, Sunday, 9:00am – 12:00pm

Your Yoga Practice to Maintain a Youthful Spine

This magical class will combine the practices of twists and backbends to break up the tensions to create a more youthful and vibrant spine.  This active practice will reverse the effects of postural habits and mental tensions, improving the alignment of your vertebral column. Then next we explore the practices of traction and decompression, to create space and length and thereby reverse the effects of aging and bring more life into your spine and its supportive structures.  Keep your spine young forever.

July 21, Sunday, 1:30pm – 4:30pm       

Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand): The Preparations, the Props, the Variations

First this class will review the physical requirements to prepare for Sarvangasana so that the pose is well-balanced and steady. Then we will practice using some of the many props that can be added to assist the pose with this goal.  Then the fun begins!  We will explore many of the variations that are practiced with Sarvangasana that enhance the pose’s benefits and create a challenging sequence. 

Price: Full workshop: $460.00
Early registration by July 3rd: $395.00
Each Individual Class: $60.00

Registration is available under “Workshops”