With Terry Brown
Yoga Studies
This class is for teachers and students of Yoga that wish to deepen their practices and studies of Yoga in new areas for personal growth and transformation.
September 11—MeltMethod Mashup
There are many key practices in the MeltMethod program to keep you busy for hours. But what if, like most of us, you only have a short amount of time? In this MeltMethod class we look at condensing the practices to some of the most important ones when we desire an overall body experience to release the stress in the connective tissue, but time is limited. This practice has something for the neck, shoulders, hands, back, hips, lower legs and feet. — You must have a MeltMethod Soft Foam Roller and MeltMethod Balls to participate on Zoom. Order from www.meltmethod.com. These supplies are provided for in studio students. –All Levels.
September 18—The Yoga Sequence to Uplift your Spirits
We can’t forget the importance of cultivating balance and adding playfulness into our daily lives. But part of cultivating good health and well-being means we must find space and time to laugh and invite joy. We can create balance by moving the body through an intentional practice focused on cheerful postures and practices that also invoke inner power and personal resilience. This sequence is ideal on days when you need an extra lift or a spirited spark to brighten your heart.—All Levels.
September 25—Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) and Variations for Physical Challenges
Surya Namaskar has many benefits! Physically the sequence of poses can help improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, improve joint function, and enhance blood flow. Mentally and emotionally it can reduce stress and anxiety, boost mood, and enhance mental clarity. It can also be energizing! But not all of the poses in the sequence may be for you. This class takes you on a journey of a closer look at the poses typically in the Surya Namaskar and how to adjust for yourself any of the challenges you may experience during a movement sequence. — All Levels.