The goal of this workshop is to offer tools, as well as help Yoga instructors build confidence in teaching their art. Yoga teachers should cultivate a mindful presence, a welcoming attitude, and a compassionate approach to working with students of all levels and physical challenges. Learn how to assist students in their discovery of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of Yoga.

This workshop is a requirement for Triad Yoga’s 300 Hour Teacher Certification Program, but is also available for all teachers that are ready to enhance their teaching skills.

Topics include: Balancing your teaching for the variety of students that show up for class, observing students in the classroom and responding to their needs, methodology of adjusting students, adjusting students appropriately and effectively with verbal and physical cues, integrating philosophy in your yoga classes, skillful and effective demonstrations, and principles and practice of sequencing effective yoga classes.

Total 14 hours can be applied to Triad Yoga’s 300 Hour Certification Program or continuing education requirements for Yoga Alliance.

Full Workshop Fee: $160.00, or $140.00 if registered by August 31st. Registration available under 300HR TT button, please scroll down to the registration option.